Well a year on from my last post and I am sitting on my sofa watching Britain's got talent where there are currently some rather cute little black boys singing Ain't No Sunshine, especially loving the reaction to the possibility of meeting the queen..."that would be sick man".


So in my last post I talked about my exciting trip to Croatia....from which I am now back and missing it already. Kayaking round the islands, including Lopud and Sipan, was an experience I will never forget...along with the pain experienced by my arm muscles :S However I wouldn't pass up on the opportunity if it ever came round again. After being reminded on a number of seperate occassions that this was not going to be a holiday and we were not going to be tanning...I feel much more tanned and fresh, quite like after a holiday....
If you have ever been to Croatia, you will know why I am so blown away by the country and can't wait to return, and if you haven't been, well I strongly recommend you persuade the hell out of your parent to book that last minute summer holiday and visit the sunny, warm, friendly, beautiful Hrvatska or more commonly known as Croatia.
Here are some pictures if I still haven't quite sold it to you....