The show that I could not live without. My pride and joy. Gossip Girl. This season is blowing me away. Completely. However Jenny is incredibly annoying lately and in my opinion needs to grow up and stop messing around, it's sad. However what will this week's episode entail? I wonder? Hmmm?

With only a half day separating myself and the rest of the Tiffin Girls from our well-deserved Easter holiday, I can definitely not wait! After many proposals for different holiday destinations, as usual, nothing was booked so I am stuck at home with temper-mental random weather at every corner and with the majority of my friends on a ski trip to America, I am expecting a rather quiet two weeks. Though I do have a trip to Covent Gardens this coming Wednesday with the lovely duo, Olivia and Lucy which should be good fun. And to end the term in style we have a special show that was just too fabulous for the likes of Milan and Paris. In our art lessons we have been "creating" a shrug or as my Australian teacher says "bo-li-ro" and are being forced to strut our stuff down the high-fashion catwalk of Tiffin Girls School. So get ready for yours minds to be blown away...