Well, obviously I haven't exactly been the best blogger but if I remember correctly, I did try to warn you .....
The main thing on my agenda currently and most likely for the next 12 months
, is of course my World Challenge Trip to Croatia, world Challenge and I quote "teach life skills and expand minds outside of the classroom." Now for this particular trip, I have to raise £1,195 and at this point in time, I am not particulary sure on how I am
going to achieve this goal. Apart from the obvious, like bag-packing and sponsered runs, I have hit a wall on what peole would pay money for. I do have a few days worth of bag-packings coming up in the near future but if you have any suggestions, and I mean any. Please do not feel shy to post them. They will be much appreciated.
The main thing on my agenda currently and most likely for the next 12 months

As I am currently watching Doctor Who, I thought it would be an accepable time to talk about my sheer love for Karen Gillan,who plays Amy Pond on the show. She was born and raised and Inverness Scotland. At age 16, she decided she wanted to pursue her dream as an actress and a year later was accepted into the prestigious Italia Conti Academy in London. During her first year, she landed a role in Rebus and later the Kevin Bishop Show. She is also starring in the forthcoming film Outcast with James Nesbitt. When she is not acting, she enjoys playing the piano, rumaging in vintage clothes shops and also models!
Am also finding myself longing for these shorts
£50 from Asos